Two men to stand trial for murder of one of the accused’s uncle

Randall Ellis was stabbed and left to bleed to death in 2019 in Portadown

Appearing at Craigavon Magistrates Court by videolink from prison, Dean Martin (25) and David Ellis (20) were jointly charged with the murder.

Two men, one of them the victim’s nephew, were ordered to stand trial on Friday for the murder of a man who was stabbed and left to bleed to death in 2019.

Appearing at Craigavon Magistrates Court by videolink from prison, Dean Martin (25) and David Ellis (20) were jointly charged with the murder of Mr Ellis's uncle, Randall Cecil Robert Ellis, on December 9th, 2019.

During a brief preliminary inquiry, the legal step necessary to elevate any case to the Crown Court, a prosecuting lawyer submitted there was a prima facie case against the alleged killers, a submission conceded by the defence.

While none of the alleged facts surrounding the charge were opened on Friday, previous courts have heard how the body of the 49-year-old man, who was known as “Foggy”, was discovered in his home at Clounagh Park in Portadown.


Neighbours who spotted blood alerted police and, when they forced entry, they found him lying in the hallway with a tourniquet tied around his right leg.

Mr Ellis and Mr Martin were arrested after police seized CCTV footage which had captured them walking towards and away from the victim’s home.

On Friday, the two accused declined to comment on the charge.

The pair were remanded in custody and ordered to appear for their arraignment on March 23rd.