Two questioned over Belfast murder released without charge

Man (44), woman (39) arrested on Thursday in connection with Kevin McGuigan shooting

The Short Strand area in Belfast where Kevin McGuigan was murdered. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Two people being questioned about the murder of prominent republican Kevin McGuigan have been released without charge.

The 44-year-old man and 39-year-old woman were arrested in east Belfast on Thursday.

Mr McGuigan, a father-of-nine, was shot in front of his wife Dolores by two masked men outside the couple’s home in the Short Strand area of Belfast on Wednesday.

Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) detective chief inspector John McVea, who is leading the inquiry, confirmed the pair who were arrested as part of the overall investigation had been released without charge.


Mr McGuigan was suspected by some in the republican movement of involvement in the murder of former IRA leader Gerard “Jock” Davison in the nearby Markets area three months ago.

This has triggered widespread speculation the murder was a revenge attack carried out by Mr Davison’s former associates in the IRA.