Two women thwart would-be hijacker in Belfast

Man pushes way into vehicle front seat but women tackle him until police arrive

A passing PSNI patrol was alerted to the unfolding attempted carjacking by women’s screaming. Photograph: Paul Faith/PA Wire

Two women thwarted a would-be carjacker in Belfast city centre today after grappling with the suspect until police arrived.

They had parked in the College Square North area and were looking for change for a meter when a man pushed past and jumped into the driver's seat.

He attempted to start the vehicle but the two women grabbed and wrestled with him.

A passing police patrol was alerted to the unfolding incident by the women’s screaming.


Two officers rushed to the car to arrest the suspect. The officers were injured in the ensuing altercation.

A 23-year-old man was detained on suspicion of attempted hijacking, assault on police, resisting police and attempted criminal damage.

The women were not injured in the incident but police said they were badly shocked.

Press Association