Video emerges apparently showing Conor McGregor punch in pub

Former cage fighter appears to hit man in Marble Arch Bar in Drimnagh last April

Conor McGregor. File photograph: Photograph: Jared Wickerham/Getty Images

Video has emerged of an incident in a Dublin pub last April appearing to show former cage fighter Conor McGregor punching an older man.

The incident occurred on April 6th in the Marble Arch Bar, Drimnagh, when a group of men were present.

While the incident occurred just over four months ago, a video which appears to have been shot on CCTV in the pub has emerged now. It was published on the US website

The Garda has made no comment on the video, say ing it does not comment on any named individuals.


At the time of the alleged punch in April, a statement from the Garda confirmed “an incident” in a pub in Drimnagh on April 6th was being investigated.

That statement offered no further information and made no reference to the identity of any alleged assailant or any alleged victim.

In reply to queries from The Irish Times on Thursday, the Garda said the investigation arising from the April 6th incident was currently “ongoing”.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times