Works to secure house where Ana Kriégel murdered

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he would like to see the building knocked down

Glenwood House in Lucan has undergone exterior rendering

Works have begun to prevent any further dereliction of Glenwood House, the property in Lucan where Ana Kriégel was murdered.

The O’Callaghan family, who own the site and have planning permission for a 62-bed nursing home, agreed measures over recent weeks to secure the protected structure where the 14-year-old girl was killed in May 2018.

After two teenage boys were jailed in October for the murder, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he would like to see the building knocked down.

For it to be demolished, it would have to be removed from the protected structure register after a consultation involving the public, the Minister for Heritage, the Heritage Council, the Arts Council, An Taisce and Fáilte Ireland.


Scaffolding can be seen around the house, which appears to have a new roof and have undergone exterior rendering. In a statement, Fingal County Council confirmed works are under way to tidy up and secure the site.

“In addition to these works an interim protection plan consisting of stabilisation and protection works to the historic buildings to prevent further decay have also been agreed with the council and is under way,” a spokeswoman added.

Glenwood House, on Clonee Road, Lucan, was built around 1800, according to the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage.

Sherborough Properties, which is owned by the O’Callaghan family, bought the house and surrounding 105-acre site in 2003 for a reported €10.5 million.

Paul O’Callaghan, a director of the company, said last month there were no immediate plans to build on the site, and that the company was working closely with Fingal County Council on its development.

Asked about its future, Mr Varadkar said the building does not, in his view, have “enormous architectural merit” and that he “would like to see the designation lifted by the council as well and to have that building demolished”. (The building is in Mr Varadkar’s constituency.)

A number of local politicians have also said it may be appropriate to remove the building’s protected structure status, which could pave the way for its eventual demolition.

The Society for Old Lucan, a conservation group, has said any plans should respect the wishes of the Kriégel family.