Youth released by gardaí after social media threat shuts Dublin school

Teenager questioned after management became aware of social media post referencing a gun

Ardgillan Community College in Balbriggan, north Co Dublin was closed on Tuesday due to what management says was an unfortunate hoax.

A secondary school in north Co Dublin was closed on Tuesday following a threat made on social media against staff that referenced a gun.

Ardgillan Community College in Balbriggan, north Co Dublin did not open on Tuesday, after school management became aware of the social media post on Monday night.

The post referenced a gun, and were referred to gardaí to investigate. A teenager was arrested by gardaí and was questioned at a Dublin Garda station.

The young man was released without charge on Tuesday afternoon, and a Garda spokeswoman said a file in relation to his case would be sent to the Garda juvenile diversionary programme.


A Garda spokeswoman earlier confirmed officers were investigating “reports of online threats against staff at a school in the north Dublin area”.

“Gardaí are liaising with management at the school and are now satisfied that there is no imminent danger to staff or students attending the school,” the spokeswoman said.

It is understood gardaí are satisfied the posts were made as a prank or hoax.

When contacted the school referred all queries to the Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board.

A spokesman for the board said the school had been closed on a “precautionary basis”.

“We believe the whole matter is an unfortunate hoax but the matter was one that the school had to react to,” the spokesman said.

The school is expected to reopen as normal on Wednesday. The secondary school is multi-denominational and mixed, with approximately 850 students.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times