Criminal inquiry will investigate illegal dumps

The Garda Commissioner has ordered a full-scale criminal inquiry into illegal dumping throughout the State

The Garda Commissioner has ordered a full-scale criminal inquiry into illegal dumping throughout the State. The move follows a spate of discoveries of unauthorised dumps in Wicklow and elsewhere, and the revelation last week that Ireland is being investigated for 17 cases of infringement of the EU's waste directive.

The Minister for the Environment welcomed the inquiry, which will be conducted by a team of 15 officers from the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, with the Criminal Assets Bureau also involved if evidence of criminal profiteering from dumping emerges.

The initial focus of the investigation will be the illegal dumps found in Co Wicklow in recent months, but the inquiry will not be limited to any area.

Mr Dempsey said the investigation, which he had asked the Garda Commissioner to consider, was an indication of the Government's determination to enforce waste legislation. "Ultimately, I am hopeful that those responsible for serious and grossly irresponsible dumping of waste will be successfully prosecuted on indictment, and incur commensurate penalties," he said.


The maximum penalties for illegal dumping are fines of €12.5 million and/or 10 years' imprisonment.

The Green MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna, welcomed the "long overdue" inquiry, which she said should be pursued throughout the State.

"The extent of illegal dumping in Wicklow was revealed thanks to the initiative taken by a local authority inspector," she said. "I have no doubt that similar investigations carried out in many counties throughout the State would produce similar results."

She called for local authorities who failed to comply with EU law to be "named and shamed," and added that punishment of offenders should not stop with fines or sentences. "There must also be restoration works wherever environmental damages are caused. It is not enough to penalise the culprits: these criminals should also contribute to the restoration of polluted areas," she said.

The Fianna Fáil TD for Wicklow, Mr Dick Roche, said last night he was "absolutely thrilled" that a full-scale criminal investigation had been launched. "This was the move that we needed," he said.