Croatia confident of EU accession

CROATIA: The president of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, has said he does not believe concerns over the accession of Turkey to the …

CROATIA: The president of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic, has said he does not believe concerns over the accession of Turkey to the European Union will create a barrier to his own country's attempts to join in 2009.

Mr Mesic, who is visiting Ireland, said he was confident Croatia would succeed in introducing the economic and legislative reforms needed to bring it into line with other EU member states.

Croatia, along with Turkey, is currently involved in accession discussions with the EU.

Mr Mesic said it had already been decided by EU leaders that future admissions would not be done en bloc, so any delays arising out of Turkey's accession would not affect Croatia.


"Whoever meets the criteria and conditions is the country that joins the EU," he said.

"I do applaud the wish of Turkey to join the EU because Turkey with European standards can be a stabilising effect on a whole, much wider area than just the European continent."

Mr Mesic said he held talks with both Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and Tánaiste Mary Harney yesterday on EU accession, and believed Croatia had Irish support in its attempt to join the EU.

"We discussed that it was during the Irish presidency of the European Union that our negotiation process started, and it is only logical that Ireland would support us on our path."

He said his visit was also aimed at improving economic ties between the two countries.

"Not only do we expect to have an increasing number of Irish tourists in Croatia - their number is increasing year on year - but we also wish [ that] Irish capital and international capital recognises Croatia."

Mr Mesic said he had told Mr Ahern a series of reforms had already taken place in Croatia which provided the same protections to investors there as they would enjoy in other European countries.