
They are a curious people in Dublin

They are a curious people in Dublin. Many of my readers will have noticed and admired, the wreath that adorns the base of the Edmund Burke statue at the entrance to Trinity College, where, by permission of the Provost, it was placed by the Decoration Committee set up in connection with the Catholic Emancipation celebrations in the city.

The wreath was erected on Monday afternoon, when I noted an incident that set me to wonder. As I approached the College I saw a long line of people, young and old, crushed against the railings opposite the Burke statue. They seemed loath to leave, as if, indeed, they were rooted to the spot, and presently I discovered the cause. It was not the wreath itself that held their gaze, although, naturally, that is what attracted in the first instance, but a card attached to the wreath that bore written words which, at so great a distance, were quite indecipherable. It represented mystery, than which nothing appeals more to so many of us.

The Irish Times, June 22nd, 1929.