DÁil arrangements

THE BUSINESS of the Dáil has been adjourned until tomorrow as a mark of respect to the late Brian Lenihan, whose funeral takes…

THE BUSINESS of the Dáil has been adjourned until tomorrow as a mark of respect to the late Brian Lenihan, whose funeral takes place today.

The Seanad will continue to meet as scheduled.

The remainder of the Dáil business for Wednesday and Thursday has been amended as a result. Expressions of sympathy will be made during Leaders’ Questions on Wednesday morning.

Questions to the Minister for Social Protection move to Wednesday and questions to the Minister for the Environment have been put back to Thursday at 4:30pm.


In addition, questions set for the Minister for Communications (originally set for Thursday) will be put back to next week.

The afternoon time slot set aside for the Welfare of Greyhounds Bill 2011 on Thursday has been scrapped.

Instead, Sinn Féin’s Private Members’ time from Tuesday is moved to the afternoon slot.