Dail debate continues on McBrearty case

The Dail debate on the Opposition’s call for a tribunal of inquiry over the "McBrearty" case is expected to conclude this evening…

The Dail debate on the Opposition’s call for a tribunal of inquiry over the "McBrearty" case is expected to conclude this evening.

In the Dail yesterday the Minister for Justice, Mr John O’Donoghue insisted the call for a tribunal of inquiry into alleged misconduct by gardai in Co Donegal was "in conflict with the law".

He rejected accusations by the Opposition of a dereliction of duty in dealing with a case which had been described as "probably the most serious case of corruption and improper activity in the history of the Garda force".

The controversy follows the death five years ago of a local cattle dealer, Mr Richie Barron, which led to the arrest of a number of members of the McBrearty family who alleged Garda harassment.


A murder investigation was subsequently dropped. Five years after his death, Mr Barron's body was exhumed and a new examination determined he had died in a hit-and-run incident.