Dáil row over 'fascist' jibe claim

THE DÁIL debate on education cuts erupted into controversy last night after Fine Gael claimed that Minister of State Conor Lenihan…

THE DÁIL debate on education cuts erupted into controversy last night after Fine Gael claimed that Minister of State Conor Lenihan had described its enterprise spokesman Leo Varadkar as a "fascist".

As the first session of the debate, which is being held over two days, drew to a close, Fine Gael's communications spokesman Simon Coveney demanded that Mr Lenihan withdraw the alleged remark made in the course of testy exchanges between Government and Opposition.

However, Mr Lenihan strenuously denied that he had referred to any TD as a fascist.

"I did not call anyone a fascist," he responded in the Dáil.


"I said [Mr Varadkars's] policies were associated with the British fascist party." Mr Lenihan said he had nothing to apologise for and that he had referred to policies.

However, Mr Lenihan later told the Nightly News with Vincent Browneprogramme on TV3: "Naturally if Leo Varadkar took any implication from any comment made during the theatrics of a Dáil debate, naturally I will withdraw it".

Mr Lenihan has previously apologised for remarks made in the chamber. He withdrew comments directed at the former TD Joe Higgins that he should "stick with the kebabs", a reference to Mr Higgins's campaigning work on behalf of Turkish workers.

Another Fine Gael TD, Fergus O'Dowd, also claimed that a Nazi salute had been made in the Dáil chamber last night.

"There was a Nazi salute too. Deputies cannot make Nazi salutes in this chamber," Mr O'Dowd said in the Dáil.

Leas-Cheann Comhairle Brendan Howlin said he had not heard the word "fascist" being used but said he would review the record of the House and would bring the matter to the attention of the Ceann Comhairle.