Damages for boy bitten by snake

A boy who was bitten by a snake while on holiday in France has been awarded £3,000 compensation in a Dublin court

A boy who was bitten by a snake while on holiday in France has been awarded £3,000 compensation in a Dublin court. The boy's mother, Ms Maria Ruigrok, of Sea Crest, Red Island, Skerries, Co Dublin, had sued French Life Holidays Ltd, Leeds, England, on behalf of herself and two sons.

The Circuit Civil Court heard Ms Ruigrok and her sons, David and Brian, now aged 12 and 14 respectively, endured a nightmarish holiday at a campsite outside Paris two years ago. "On every night of the holiday their tent was visited by vermin which ate the family's food and left their droppings all over the kitchen area," their barrister, Mr Michael Conlon, told Judge Liam Devally.

On the third day David, then aged 10, joined the organised games on the campsite. The children had to find pieces of string hidden in holes in walls and in the ground. Mr Conlon said David had caught an adder by the tail and was bitten on the finger. Ms Ruigrok told the court she was willing to accept settlements of £500 each for herself and her son, Brian, and £3,000 for David. Judge Devally approved the settlements on behalf of the children.