Dan Breen gun is stolen from gaol

Thieves have reversed the tradition of centuries by breaking into Kilmainham Gaol Museum to steal priceless historic firearms…

Thieves have reversed the tradition of centuries by breaking into Kilmainham Gaol Museum to steal priceless historic firearms used in the War of Independence and the Civil War.

The items taken include a gun owned by the War of Independence leader, Dan Breen, and a pistol used by Nora Connolly O'Brien - daughter of the executed 1916 leader James Connolly - in the Civil War.

A third gun stolen from the museum display belonged to another 1916 revolutionary, Catherine Rooney.

The robbery at the gaol, considered one of Ireland's most impregnable buildings, took place at 1 a.m. on Monday. Duchas, which has responsibility for the museum, has appealed for information.


Garda technical experts spent yesterday examining the scene of the crime. It is believed the robbers gained entrance to the prison through a door on the side facing Kilmainham courthouse. No other items were taken in the robbery, a fact which has caused some concern. As a result, gardai have not ruled out the possibility of a subversive link.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.