Dana's nomination

Councils round-up

Councils round-up

Cork councils

Ms Scallon failed in her bid to rally support as a presidential candidate at either meeting of the two local authorities in Cork yesterday. Her request for support failed to make it on the agenda of the final meetings of the month of Cork city and county councils. Everything from biodegradable nappies to the re-introduction of third-level college fees were up for discussion at the meeting of Cork County Council yesterday morning; however, none of the 48 councillors called for a motion on the former MEP's bid for nomination.

Donegal County Council


Donegal County Council yesterday voted against a motion to nominate Ms Scallon to be a presidential election candidate.

Two Independent Fianna Fáil councillors and one Independent voted in favour but all 13 of the Fianna Fáil councillors present voted against. There were 12 abstentions, eight from Fine Gael councillors and four from Sinn Féin.

In 1997, Donegal Co Council backed Ms Scallon's nomination to run for President.

Limerick councils

Ms Scallon and two others failed to receive nominations for the election at Limerick council meetings yesterday.

The county council "noted" the requests from Ms Gráinne Conroy, Mr Eamonn Zaidan and Ms Dana Rosemary Scallon. At the council meeting the item, came up early on the agenda but was not revisited, while the monthly meeting of the City Council was adjourned due to the recent death of the late Freeman of Limerick, the art historian Mr John Hunt who died last month, and the death of former city councillor Mr Michael Kelly in July.

The monthly meeting of Limerick City Council was rescheduled for Friday afternoon at 4 p.m., which is past the deadline for presidential election nominations.

Roscommon County Council

Ms Scallon's bid for presidential nomination was not on the agenda at yesterday's meeting of Roscommon County Council. Members voted down a proposal by Independent councillor Mr Luke Flanagan to nominate 38-year old Dubliner Mr Philip Doyle.

Westmeath County Council

Ms Scallon met with no support from members of Westmeath County Council, who met in Mullingar yesterday afternoon. Councillors also rejected requests from Mr Eamonn Zaidan, Mr Philip Doyle and Ms Gráinne Conroy to run in the presidential election.

Galway County Council

The Mayor of Galway County, Cllr Willie Burke, voted with the two Independent councillors to support Ms Scallon's nomination.

However, the proposal was rejected by 24 votes, with three abstentions.