Date fixed for travellers' hearing

Three actions linked to the future of a Tralee travelling family are to be heard in the High Court on November 4th

Three actions linked to the future of a Tralee travelling family are to be heard in the High Court on November 4th. The Coffey family are seeking an injunction to compel Tralee Urban District Councl (UDC) to provide them with a halting site.

Tralee Waterworld plc is seeking an order to restrain the UDC from rezoning lands at Ballyard. It also wants an injunction to restrain the UDC from putting the family in Ballyard on a temporary basis.

Mr John Gallagher SC, for Tralee UDC, said the local authority had identified a site where the family's two caravans could be located at

Ballyard. The UDC wanted to erect a concrete stand and fencing on the site but did not intend to move the Coffey family on to the site until the hearing of the action. The UDC already had a contractor working beside the field at Ballyard and it would be cheaper for him to do the work now.


Ms Blathna Ruane, counsel for Tralee Waterworld plc, said it was seeking injunctive relief against the UDC and had raised constitutional issues. It regarded its case as separate from the

Coffey proceedings.