DCU to honour McAleeses' peace role

President Mary McAleese and husband Martin will tomorrow be conferred with honorary doctorates to mark their contribution to …

President Mary McAleese and husband Martin will tomorrow be conferred with honorary doctorates to mark their contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process.

The ceremony at Dublin City University (DCU) coincides with the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Belfast Agreement in 1998.

The award will recognise the President and Dr McAleese’s reconciliation efforts in the North.

DCU President Prof Ferdinand von Prondzynski said: “DCU is delighted to honour the very significant role played by the President and her husband Martin, often with little public attention, in helping to overcome the legacy of decades of violent conflict in Northern Ireland.


“Their efforts at developing cross-community commitment to building a peaceful society has assisted a process that is transforming life on this island, helping to heal the many deep wounds of the past, and opening up great potential for the future.”

The President will also be honoured for her academic career at Queen’s University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin.