De Burca nominated as Greens' EU candidate

Senator Deirdre de Burca has been nominated as the Green Party's candidate in the Dublin area for the 2009 European elections…

Senator Deirdre de Burca has been nominated as the Green Party's candidate in the Dublin area for the 2009 European elections.

Ms de Burca was the sole nominee by close of nominations at noon today, the party said in a statement.

The candidate said she knew it would be "a tough contest" to win back the Green Party's European seat in Dublin. "But I believe it is possible, and it is vital, and I will be seeking the support of party members to achieve this."

Former Green Party MEP Patricia McKenna lost her seat in the European Parliament elections in 2004.


All party members in the Dublin area will be entitled to vote in a selection convention to formally accept Ms de Burca's nomination and decide the order of replacement candidates in Liberty Hall on Saturday September 13th.