De Rossa will contest European election

LABOUR'S DUBLIN MEP Proinsias De Rossa is to contest next year's European Parliament elections ending speculation about his political…

LABOUR'S DUBLIN MEP Proinsias De Rossa is to contest next year's European Parliament elections ending speculation about his political future.

Mr De Rossa made his decision known on Friday afternoon to party leader Eamon Gilmore, who has warmly welcomed Mr De Rossa's decision to seek a fourth term.

His decision strengthens Labour's hopes of holding down a seat in Dublin, which will be particularly competitive because the capital is losing a seat under revised seating rules.

The fall-out from the Lisbon Treaty referendum defeat, he said, means that it is "particularly important next time" that there is a left-wing, pro-European voice on the ballot paper.


"Too often . . . the debate about Europe has been dominated by national and, even, local issues. This time, Lisbon will play a role."

Mr De Rossa's candidature will have to go before a party convention some time in the next two months, but, so far, there is no sign that he will face a challenger.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael will be expected to win a seat in the capital in June, leaving Labour, Sinn Féin, the Greens and others to fight for the last. A "celebrity" candidate is possible, acknowledged Mr De Rossa: "Declan Ganley has the money for it, but I don't think he has the gumption. Wealthy businessmen would have to obey the same spending rules as the rest of us in an election."

Mr Gilmore said Mr De Rossa "had a formidable record as a vote-getter, having been elected to the European Parliament on three occasions."

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times