Dean recovering from transplant

The Dean of Christ Church cathedral, the Very Rev John Paterson, has undergone a successful heart transplant operation at Dublin…

The Dean of Christ Church cathedral, the Very Rev John Paterson, has undergone a successful heart transplant operation at Dublin's Mater Hospital. Although awaiting the operation for some months, Dean Paterson attended the service at the cathedral on December 7th at which the President, Mrs McAleese, took communion. The operation was performed by Mr Freddie Wood of the Mater's cardiac unit. Mr Wood, and his colleague Mr Maurice Neligan, will take part at the annual carol service in Christ Church, at lunch-time today .

Beginning at 1.15 p.m. and continuing to 1.50 p.m., the service will also feature the cathedral choir, conducted by Christ Church's director of music, Mr Mark Duley. Donations, and monies collected at the service this year, will go to the Mater Hospital Cardiac Surgical Foundation.