Debate on broadcasting standards

Plans for the next phase of the public consultation process to develop a code of standards for radio and television have been…

Plans for the next phase of the public consultation process to develop a code of standards for radio and television have been announced.

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) said the second phase will involve a consultation on rules and principles which apply to certain types of programme material, including violence, sexual conduct, coarse language, portrayal of persons and groups in society and of drugs, alcohol and solvent abuse.

Phase one included decisions on the objectives, scope and context of the code, in addition to a workshop with broadcasters and a nationwide survey.

Speaking at the launch, Michael O'Keeffe, chief executive of the BCI, said: "The rules and principles as proposed in this second phase of consultation provide an opportunity for broadcasters, interest groups and members of the public to assist the commission in developing a code of programme standards which reflects societal mores and acknowledges an increasing diversity of tastes and interests."


The BCI plans to circulate the consultation document to key groups and interested parties and yesterday began by placing an advertisement in the national press seeking views from the public. Public notices will also be broadcast on radio and television encouraging participation by the public.

Individuals and groups can download a copy of the consultation document at and can e-mail responses to Copies of the document are available from the commission's offices. The deadline for responses is Tuesday, May 16th, 2006.