Deenihan adviser returns to Arts Council

MINISTER FOR Arts Jimmy Deenihan’s special adviser Seán Mac Cárthaigh is returning to his job with the Arts Council following…

MINISTER FOR Arts Jimmy Deenihan’s special adviser Seán Mac Cárthaigh is returning to his job with the Arts Council following failure to resolve “contractual issues” around his proposed secondment.

Mr Mac Cárthaigh, who has worked with Mr Deenihan since last March, will, within weeks, go back to his post as director of public affairs with the Government agency for developing the arts.

A salary of €83,337 for Mr Mac Cárthaigh was sanctioned by Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin in September 2011, but he continued to be paid by the council rather than the Department of Arts.

At the council, he was paid within the Civil Service assistant principal officer grade, which is €61,996– €84,296.


As recently as last month, Mr Deenihan said the details of Mr Mac Cárthaigh's contract and remuneration were still being finalised. Mr Mac Cárthaigh was previously managing editor of the Irish Echoin New York and political correspondent of the Sunday Business Post. He was also formerly a reporter for The Irish Times.

A spokeswoman for Mr Deenihan’s department said: “Unfortunately, it has not been possible to resolve to everyone’s satisfaction the contractual issues around the proposed secondment.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times