Delhi rape case gets under way

Legal representatives of five men charged with gang-raping and murdering a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi last month have called…

Legal representatives of five men charged with gang-raping and murdering a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi last month have called for the trial to be held in public.

The fast-track murder trial for five suspects in the New Dehli bus rape has begun with an attempt to allow the media to report proceedings.

The men are charged with raping and murdering a 23-year-old woman on a moving bus in the capital last month in an assault that shocked the country over its brutality. A sixth suspect claims to be a juvenile, and his case is therefore being handled separately.

Defence lawyers were appealing for the case, currently being held in a closed court, to be opened to the public.


“There is an immense interest in the public in this case, let it be all out in the open court,” one of them, AP Singh, said.

Police said the victim and her fiance were heading home from an evening out when they boarded a bus, on which they were attacked by the six assailants. The attackers beat the man and raped the woman, causing her massive injuries, with a metal bar.

The victims were eventually dumped on the roadside, and the woman died two weeks later in hospital.

Lawyers for the accused say police mistreated their clients and beat them to force them to confess. One said he would ask the Supreme Court to move the trial out of New Delhi.

The attack has sparked demands for wholesale changes in the way the country deals with crimes against women. Many families pressure relatives who have been assaulted not to press charges, police often refuse to file cases for those who do and courts rarely deliver swift justice in the few cases that do get filed.

Indian courts had a backlog of 33 million cases as of 2011. In a small sign of the sluggish pace of justice, only one of the 635 rape cases filed in the capital last year has ended in a conviction so far.

Police said many other cases were still pending and it was not realistic to expect crimes committed late last year to have wound their way through the system yet.

New Delhi set up five fast-track courts in recent weeks to deal specifically with sexual assault cases.

The courts were an important step for clearing some of the 95,000 rape cases pending in India, said Ranjana Kumari, a women’s activist and director of the Centre for Social Research, a New Delhi based think-tank.

“We need a system in which women can get justice quickly. Otherwise, in the normal course of things, it can take 10 or 12 or 14 years for cases to be taken up by the court. That is tantamount to denying justice to the victim,” she said.

Others, however, worried that fast-track courts sacrifice justice for speed, overlooking evidence, limiting the cross-examination of witnesses and racing through hearings.

Vrinda Grover, a senior lawyer in the Delhi High Court and a women’s rights activist, said the traditional court system needs to be overhauled - not abandoned - to give proper justice to rape victims.

“We don’t want these cases of sexual crimes against women to become ghettoised in single courts. These cases have to be dealt with by across-the-board judges,” she said. “What we need is that in all courts, these cases have to be taken seriously, and need to be addressed without granting unnecessary adjournments. And we need all judges and prosecutors to be oriented in this manner.”