Dempsey criticised on broadband

Communications: A rubber medal and a wooden spoon should be awarded to Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey for his performance…

Communications: A rubber medal and a wooden spoon should be awarded to Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey for his performance on broadband, Ged Nash, a candidate in Louth, said.

Ireland's performance on broadband access was two or three times worse than its peer competitors due to a lack of local loop unbundling, he said.

"This pathetic situation is a real competitive burden on Irish business people that will cost us jobs unless we quickly catch up on and surpass our competitors," Mr Nash said.

He wanted to see Eircom restructured to create a separate network division that would allow fair and transparent access to the local loop.


Hughie Baxter, a candidate in Roscommon-South Leitrim, said Labour would honour commitments to the world's poorest by Overseas Development Aid.

"Labour proposes to enshrine the 0.7 per cent commitment in law along the lines already suggested by Pat Rabbitte," he said.