Department explains trips by O'Donoghue

Statement issued by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism on July 27th, 2009, in response to a Sunday newspaper report about…

Statement issued by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism on July 27th, 2009, in response to a Sunday newspaper report about expenses incurred by John O’Donoghue while minister:

THE DEPARTMENT of Arts, Sport and Tourism is a department which combines a diverse but inter-related range of activities and responsibilities in the arts, culture, sports and tourism sectors.

One of the key objectives of the department is the development and promotion of tourism, which is an important economic sector contributing to foreign revenue earnings and employment. In turn, the tourism sector is underpinned by the arts and sports sectors, which also serve to enhance the tourism product.

Given the nature of the arts, sports and tourism brief, it is customary and necessary for the minister to attend major events in Ireland and abroad. International marketing is regarded as an essential activity in the attraction of tourists to Ireland.


The attendance of the minister at promotional events organised by the tourism bodies and supported by other agencies under the remit of the department, is acknowledged as giving an important boost to such events, the objective of which is to attract tourists to Ireland, which ultimately lead to the delivery of economic benefits to the country.

In 2008, eight million tourists visited Ireland and €4.7 billion was generated for the Irish economy in foreign earnings.

Ministers, given the nature of the brief, travel abroad to high profile events, such as the Venice Biennale, the Olympics, the World Cup matches, all of which are regarded as contributing to the promotion of Ireland as a tourism destination and as a venue for international sports events. The costs of flights and accommodation for such events invariably involve a high premium worldwide. In relation to the procuring of accommodation and car hire, every effort is made to secure the best possible rates for the minister and the delegation. The cost of facilities at airports relates to fees charged at a standard rate.