Departments should achieve high quality standards - Minister

GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS should be obliged to attain the quality standards awards that have become common in the private sector…

GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS should be obliged to attain the quality standards awards that have become common in the private sector, a Minister has contended.

Minister of State for Trade and Commerce John McGuinness said this weekend that he has received an internal submission on how the ISO 9000 quality standards can be applied at Government level. He now intends to implement the proposal across all 15 Government departments.

"Every Government department should get involved with the National Standards Authority of Ireland and explore how it can qualify for the ISO 9000 standard, said Mr McGuinness.

"I will encourage this department in taking a lead role in developing this," he said.


"Such standards should run right through the public service. What we want is a new system for the 21st century."

Mr McGuinness has been the most outspoken of all Government Ministers in relation to reform of the public sector.

Earlier this year he aroused some controversy when he described culture of the public sector as "unfit for purpose" and also contended that it was a drag on the economy.

Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan have signalled that reform of the sector is at the top of the Government's agenda. However, their proposals are more modest than those of Mr McGuinness.

The Carlow-Kilkenny TD has argued for more private sector principles to apply in the public sector such as voluntary redundancies and pay freezes.

"It's about everybody having a responsible role and making sure we are all aware of the greasy pole that is the economy just now," he said.

"I have said that there should be a consideration on a pay freeze for a period of time that would apply to all public servants except for those on low pay.

"In the private sector companies are cutting their cloth to suit their measure. They are forced to do that by markets and the other dynamics that make it necessary.

"The public sector needs to be aware of that as well. It would benefit them all."