Diplomat attacks Tory policy

A former senior British diplomat has attacked Conservative policy on Europe, saying it amounted to either "a suicide note or …

A former senior British diplomat has attacked Conservative policy on Europe, saying it amounted to either "a suicide note or a cry for help".

Sir David Hannay, who was Britain's permanent representative to the EU - the equivalent of an ambassador - until 1990, made his comments in an article in the Independent on Sunday.

In his article, he wrote that the civil service will have spent the election campaign "scratching their heads and wondering whether the Conservative commitments on Europe amount to a suicide note or a cry for help".

Sir David added: "Whether the Conservatives' attitude to Europe amounts to a suicide note or a cry for help is likely to remain largely a matter for them, if the polls are to be believed."


"Civil servants considering the Conservatives' incoherent policies on Europe are likely to be grateful they are spared the indignity of having to try to implement any of these rash pledges," he wrote. "And they should not be the only ones to give thanks."