Disability plans are a 'hollow sham' - Labour

The Labour Party has dismissed as a hollow sham today's sectoral plans on disability services from six Government departments…

The Labour Party has dismissed as a hollow sham today's sectoral plans on disability services from six Government departments.

Equality and Law Reform spokesperson Kathleen Lynch called the plans a "cynical, publicity-seeking exercise.

She said the Government had "trumpeted" the publication sectoral plans today, "a fortnight after the Dáil has risen, knowing full well that the Government's own manipulation of the timetable means that the plans will have no force or effect in law for at least three more months."

"A Government truly committed to the disability agenda would have gone the final mile to ensure not just that it squeezed publicity from launching the plans but that it did so in time to have them given the force of law."


Disability groups were more positive, however. National Disability Authority chairwoman Angela Kerins welcomed the plans, saying it was a "a unique moment in the history of disability in Ireland."

She said: "Making public services accessible for people with disabilities is critical to achieving a more inclusive society in Ireland. For the first time, we now have detailed commitments to action covering a broad range of areas such as public transport, accessible streets, health services, social welfare, job opportunities and broadcasting," she said.

The Rehab Group also welcomed the plans, saying it was a landmark day for people with disabilities and the cause of equal opportunities in Ireland.

However it said it was crucial that the Government implements robust monitoring and evaluation structures.

Umbrella group People with Disabilities in Ireland (PWDI) said the proposals must have set timeframes if they are to become effective instruments of change.

"These plans will dictate the shape of services for people with disabilities into the future," said PWDI national chairman James McClean. "It is critical that they be comprehensive, cohesive and thorough.

"It will be up to that Department to ensure that the sectoral plans deliver on an ongoing basis on the Taoiseach's full and very personal commitment to the area."