Dispute flares at Queen's

A dispute has flared in Queen's University over a decision to allow Sinn Fein and the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) to establish…

A dispute has flared in Queen's University over a decision to allow Sinn Fein and the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) to establish branches in the college, reports Gerry Moriarty.

Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) and DUP students and graduates have criticised a decision by the president of Queen's Students' Union, Mr Paul McGarrity, to overturn a decision by the 120-member Students Union Council to ban Sinn Fein and the PUP from establishing college societies.

Mr Conway Ross of the Unionist Graduates' Association, which is linked to the UUP, said Mr McGarrity did not have the power to unilaterally reject the council decision. He said his body was seeking legal advice on the matter.