Dissident republicans threaten civil servants

Republican paramilitaries opposed to the peace process have threatened a group of civil servants in Northern Ireland.

Republican paramilitaries opposed to the peace process have threatened a group of civil servants in Northern Ireland.

The Continuity IRA said they would target customs officers and staff from the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA) for dealing with police in Co Fermanagh.

The threat was issued in a statement read by a masked man at the unveiling of a monument last Saturday near the Fermanagh border, at Mullan Co Cavan.

Northern Ireland Environment Minister Sammy Wilson condemned the threat and said it put the entire community at risk.


“DVA staff are actively involved in road safety and work with both the PSNI and Gardai,” he said.

“Given our current road safety record and the high percentage of the goods and bus fleet operating with serious defects I would have thought that staff would have been actively supported rather than targeted.”