Doherty gets Donegal job but saga rumbles on

Donegal may have a new manager but the rancour in the county shows little sign of abating after alternative candidates Declan…

Donegal may have a new manager but the rancour in the county shows little sign of abating after alternative candidates Declan Bonner and Charlie Mulgrew indicated they will take their case to the Disputes Resolution Authority.

John Joe Doherty was ratified at a meeting of the county board last night with delegates voting 27-19 in favour of his appointment.

But Bonner and Mulgrew, who effectively withdrew their candidacy last Friday when it emerged the county executive had withheld their names from going forward for ratification, took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the process.

"We're here to get the same opportunity as John Joe," said Mulgrew. "He has dragged our names through the mud."


The pair, who formed a joined managerial ticket, also announced they would seek a hearing with the DRA over the affair.