Donegal community project jobs under threat

Workers in eight community enterprises in Inishowen, Co Donegal, face an uncertain future with the announcement that the projects…

Workers in eight community enterprises in Inishowen, Co Donegal, face an uncertain future with the announcement that the projects may close.

The projects - which provide a range of community services including childcare, tourism facilities, community radio and community resources - have been funded for the past three years under the FÁS Social Economy Programme.

The funding for these enterprises is to cease resulting in the possible loss of 63 jobs.

A group called the Inishowen Sustainable Community Development Association (ISCDA) has been set up to lobby Government and raise awareness about their plight.


"While it may be true that Government had little control over the fate of employees in Unifi or Fruit of the Loom, victims of the globalisation, it has direct responsibility for the future of 63 employees here," a spokesman for the ISCDA said.

"The community that the ISCDA members work for will be all the poorer if the unthinkable is allowed to happen and Government does not step in to help those who are helping the community of Inishowen make a place for themselves in this brave new Ireland," he added.