Donegal parish priest cleared of sex charges in Armagh

A CO DONEGAL parish priest was yesterday cleared by a jury in Armagh Crown Court of all 19 sex abuse charges.

A CO DONEGAL parish priest was yesterday cleared by a jury in Armagh Crown Court of all 19 sex abuse charges.

Relatives and supporters of Father Edward Kilpatrick (53), of Murlog Parish, Lifford, Co Donegal, embraced after the jury foreman read out the verdicts after the 13 day trial.

The priest's two accusers, a 30 year old civil servant and a 32 year old teacher who is a former student priest, were not present. The jury of six men and six women took two hours and 40 minutes to reach a decision.

Father Kilpatrick, a former diocesan secretary to the now retired Bishop of Derry, Dr Edward Daly, wore clerical garb throughout the trial.


The allegations of gross indecency and indecent assault dated back more than 20 years to when he was a curate in Steelstown parish in Derry city.

The offences were alleged to have happened in the church sacristy, in the priest's sitting room and bedroom at the parochial house, in his bedroom and bathroom at the presbytery attached to St Eugene's Cathedral, and at bogland near his parents' home in Bellaghy, Co Derry.

Afterwards, Father Kilpatrick said the verdict was a tremendous relief and he was very thankful the horrendous ordeal was over.

He said the case had been tremendously stressful and he had been humiliated and embarrassed by the allegations. "From the first day I proclaimed my innocence," he said.

The priest said he intended to return to his parish and planned to say Mass there tomorrow.

Commenting on his accusers, the priest said it was sad and regrettable that they should take a case against him, the church, his faith and religion. He bore them no ill feeling.

Immediately after the verdict, Father Kilpatrick spoke by phone to his father, Hugh (85), and his mother, Mary (84). He said: "It has been a time of tremendous difficulty" for my family, especially my parents, who are elderly. They should not have had to cope with such stresses and strains."

Father Kilpatrick said he hoped the outcome would make people think before rushing to make allegations against the church and clergy.

. The Bishop of Derry, Dr Seamus Hegarty, last night welcomed the jury's decision. In a statement, the bishop said: "The decision of the jury confirms. Father Kilpatrick's position from the outset that he is innocent of the allegations which were made against him.

"I am absolutely delighted with the jury's decision. Father Kilpatrick has now been cleared of the criminal charges which were levelled against him. He is an innocent man and his good name has been restored.

"This has not been an easy time for all who were involved in the trial. I hope that the privacy of all concerned will now be respected and that they will be given every opportunity to recover from what must have been a very difficult and harrowing experience.

The abuse allegations were first made against Father Kilpatrick in May, 1994, and in October, 1995, he was given administrative leave by Dr Hegarty from his post as parish priest.