Donegal to host 2002 Pan-Celtic Games

The tourism industry in the north-west has received a timely boost following the announcement that the 2002 Pan Celtic Games …

The tourism industry in the north-west has received a timely boost following the announcement that the 2002 Pan Celtic Games will be hosted in Ballyshannon, Co Donegal. It will be the first time Ireland has organised the event.

Up to 700 participants from the delegate nations are expected to attend the week-long event, which will begin on August 5th.

Many thousands of visitors are also expected.

Participating Celtic regions will include Ireland, Brittany, Asturias and Galicia (Spain), Isle of Man, north Portugal, Scotland, Cornwall and Wales.


Primarily focusing on the water sports of sailing, rowing, kayaking and surfing, the other purpose of the games is also to exchange cultural traditions, and the games will be preceded by the 25th Ballyshannon Folk and Traditional Festival.

The idea for the Celtic watersports was developed in 1994 by a group of enthusiasts in Brittany. Facilities at Bundoran, Ballyshannon and Rossnowlagh in Co Donegal and Mullaghmore in north Sligo will be used for the duration of next year's events.

The games will be marked by a major week-long cultural event which will encompass parades, pageants, music, dance and drama.

The president of the international committee, Mr Jean Kerhoas, said he was hugely impressed by the facilities.

"It is my first visit to Donegal and I am particularly taken by the professionalism of the local committee who are putting together the arrangements for next year's festival," he said.