Double Take, by Judy Mercer (No Exit Press, £5.99 in UK)

A fine psychological thriller, tautly written, with three dimensional characters, a believable storyline, and a nice leavening…

A fine psychological thriller, tautly written, with three dimensional characters, a believable storyline, and a nice leavening of suspense. It begins when Ariel Gold, a TV news magazine producer working in LA, goes to her grandfather's house in South Carolina to recover from a total and devastating memory loss, brought on by events leading up to her twin sister's death. A chance encounter with a man who knew said sister since her childhood triggers off a journey into the past that Ariel is seeking to reconstruct. Family scandal and old Southern jealousies are resurrected, leading to murder and the unearthing of secrets that have long lain dormant. Ms Mercer is a natural-born storyteller and the one she has to tell here will keep you engrossed right through to the surprise ending.

Vincent Banville