Drinks industry claims critical role in tourism

The drinks industry provides sponsorship to up to 27 per cent of all festivals in the Republic, an industry survey published …

The drinks industry provides sponsorship to up to 27 per cent of all festivals in the Republic, an industry survey published today says.

Donall O'Keeffe, secretary of the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland (DIGI) said the study showed the overall importance of the industry to Irish tourism.

"Whether its support for festivals across the country, sponsorship for major sporting events, the provision of key tourist attractions or the role of the pub in providing a basic tourism infrastructure across the country, the drinks industry contributes enormously to Irish tourism."

The DIGI-commissioned study carried out by Dublin City University economist Tony Foley also found the drinks industry is the major financial supporter of key sporting events which are critical for the tourism market.


The study shows that in 2004 the drinks industry provided 21 per cent (€1.1 million) of the total racing sponsorship budget €5.4 million.

The report cited a number of specific areas in which the drinks industry makes a particular contribution such as the 10,000 pubs in the State, which it ways is a key part of the national tourism infrastructure.

It also highlighted attractions such as the Guinness Storehouse - the country's second most popular fee-charging attraction - and the Old Jameson Distillery, the Old Midleton Distillery and Lockes Distillery.

Mr O'Keeffe said the study highlights the economic significance of the drinks industry to Ireland. "Much of the debate about the industry in Ireland focuses on criticism and negativity but the industry remains a critical element of the national economy."

He also referred to the tax revenue and jobs generated by the industry.