Driving test changes take effect from Monday

Driving test candidates will be expected to know a little more about their cars under new rules announced by the Minister for…

Driving test candidates will be expected to know a little more about their cars under new rules announced by the Minister for Transport, Mr Cullen, today.

The changes to the existing test will be implemented from next Monday and have been made in response to an EU Directive.

Candidates will be expected to be familiar with basic technical checks that would be required on the type of vehicle they are using for their driving test.

Although they will not have to carry out any of the checks themselves, they will be asked to explain how at least three such checks would be done.


These may include showing the tester how oil levels should be checked. The driving test candidate will, if asked such a question, be expected to open the bonnet, point to the oil dipstick and explain how oil levels should be checked. Failure to answer all three questions will incur a fault mark.

The second change relates to the type of vehicle that may be presented for the driving test and only applies to trucks, buses and cars with trailers (Licence Categories D1, D, ED1, ED, C1, C, EC1, EC and EB).

It does not apply to motorcycles, cars or work vehicles (Licence Categories A, A1, M, B and W).

"The change will enhance the driving test and contribute to road safety by increasing awareness of the need to ensure that a vehicle is properly prepared before being driven on the road," Mr Cullen said.

He said the changes were outlined to driving instructors throughout the country last year.

Mr Cullen said test candidates should also be aware that they are liable to be asked questions on the new metric speed limits as part of the oral part of the driving test.

Details of the changes are available on the driving test website at www.drivingtest.ie