There are many who wax almost ecstatic over the Dublin Bay prawn, and with reason, since this delicious crustacean has an exaggerated "shrimp-cum-lobster" like flavour all its own. Though really the Norway lobster (Nephrops), it has acquired the name of Dublin Bay, or "Irishtown", prawn on account of its popularity in Dublin. A dozen or two "prawns", with brown bread and butter, washed down with stout, form a most delicious repast worthy of any epicure on earth. The "prawn" is a bad traveller, and does not bear carriage well, so that it is hardly ever likely to become widely known. In Venice, under the name of scampo", it is much appreciated, the Adriatic supplying it in considerable quantities.
Wanderers by the quays at evening may see great boxes of pink, sprawling, pathetic-looking prawns, landed from the trawlers. They form an effective contrast with the dull greys, browns and dark greens of the other fish.
The Irish Times, January 5th, 1931.