Dublin children waiting 18 months for speech and language services

MORE THAN 4,000 Dublin children are forced to wait an average of 18 months for speech and language services, according to information…

MORE THAN 4,000 Dublin children are forced to wait an average of 18 months for speech and language services, according to information obtained from the HSE by Fine Gael education spokesman, Brian Hayes.

"That even one child has to wait such an outrageous time for these vital services is a disgrace but that this Fianna Fáil Government has left over 4,000 children languishing for an average of a year and a half to access speech and language is indefensible," he said.

Comparative figures for 2007 showed there was "a massive disparity" in average waiting times between areas across the city.

"A child's access to speech and language services is completely dependent on address. Almost everywhere though, the waiting-times are unacceptable, especially for those in Dublin west and Dublin south where children have to wait over 2½ years on average.


"In fact the situation is getting worse year by year," Mr Hayes added. "Average waiting times in Dublin have actually doubled since 2004 with certain areas really suffering: children in Dublin south and in Dublin northwest are now waiting an average of three times longer for services than they were three years previously."

A spokesman for the HSE told The Irish Times: "Speech and language therapy posts are being prioritised as part of our overall approach to disability. The annual recruitment target is 140 nationally. In 2006-7 we put in an additional €150 million to disability services, which would include speech and language therapy, and an additional €50 million is going in this year.

"We recognise there are waiting lists: we have been carrying out needs assessments in order to target those most seriously in need and, obviously, we would hope the situation would improve over this year and next as the extra resources have effect."

Average waiting times for speech and language services at HSE local health offices in Dublin last year: Dublin west, 32 months; Dublin south, 31 months; Dublin south city, 28.5 months; Dublin southwest, 18 months; Dublin north, 14.6 months; Dublin northwest, 10.5 months; Dublin southeast, nine months; Dublin north central, three months. Dublin average: 18 months.

The number of children waiting for therapy at HSE local health offices, Dublin, 2007: Dublin north, 860; Dublin northwest, 845; Dublin south, 598; Dublin west, 566; Dublin south west, 530; Dublin south city, 406; Dublin north central, 207; Dublin southeast, 124. Total: 4,136.