Dublin dispute over land settled

A dispute over 73 acres of land in west Dublin on which it is sought to build a £300 million national retail distribution centre…

A dispute over 73 acres of land in west Dublin on which it is sought to build a £300 million national retail distribution centre has been settled, the High Court has been told. Mr Justice Geoghegan yesterday struck out the action taken by BBF Ltd against Ms Alfreda Mooney, Ms Clodagh Salter, Ms Valerie Dalgoetty and Ms Sandra Carr.

Mr Colm Allen SC, for BBF Ltd, said "protracted litigation" would have been involved had the action proceeded. Both sides were happy to withdraw allegations made against each other in earlier hearings.

An earlier hearing was told the action was about the validity of a call-option agreement which permitted BBF Ltd to buy 73 acres in Clondalkin.