Dublin gardaí search for escaped prisoner

Gardaí are searching for a dangerous criminal who escaped custody yesterday while on compassionate leave from Mountjoy Prison…

Gardaí are searching for a dangerous criminal who escaped custody yesterday while on compassionate leave from Mountjoy Prison.

Ian Stewart (27), from Moynihan Court in Tallaght, was serving ten years for armed robbery and was out on release to visit his ailing mother at Harold's Cross Hospice in Dublin.

Stewart was accompanied by three prison officers and the prison chaplain. It is understood the escape happened at around 2 p.m. yesterday when the Stewart jumped out of a window in the hospice.

A prison officer injured an ankle after he tried to follow Stewart out the window. There is speculation a bicycle may have been left nearby to help his escape.


According to a Prison Service spokeswoman, the governor of the prison had issued instructions for Stewart to remain handcuffed at all times during the visit; however, it is not clear if the handcuffs were removed.

The Prison Service has begun an investigation into the incident.

Gardaí have advised that Stewart is highly dangerous and must not be approached.