Dublin protest march against US military action

Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Dublin city centre this afternoon to protest against impending US military action in…

Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Dublin city centre this afternoon to protest against impending US military action in Afghanistan.

Representing a broad socialist coalition and holding banners saying "No to Terrorism, No to War" and "Stop Bush’s War" the march passed along Westmorland Street before pausing for a sit-down protest on O’Connell Bridge with a minute’s silence for the victims of the terrorist attacks.

Socialist Party TD, Mr Joe Higgins, told ireland.comthe action was "opposing a war that will kill thousands. We are also totally against the use of Irish airports for military purposes."

He added that he would try to raise the issue in the Dáil on Monday.


Prior to the march, speakers including Mr Higgins, representatives of the Globalise Resistance group and Workers' Solidarity Movement members addressed the crowd.

All condemned the September 11th attacks on Washington and New York, but were sharply critical of the military build-up in the Middle East.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times