Dublin vigil to urge end to primate experiments

A candlelight vigil will take place outside the Dáil this evening to campaign for an end to experiments on primates.

A candlelight vigil will take place outside the Dáil this evening to campaign for an end to experiments on primates.

To mark International Primate Day the Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) has called upon Irish MEPs to back a written declaration before the European Parliament, as a similar campaign gets under way in the United States.

Today's vigil takes place at 6.30pm.

John Carmody of ARAN said: "With more and more non-animal research methods available it is time to end cruel experiments on primates. We will be urging all of our supporters to contact their MEPs and back a ban on primate experiments."


Mr Carmody said MEPs would be able to start signing the written declaration on primate experiments from September 23rd onwards.

"According to recent EU statistics, there are no monkey experiments taking place in Ireland. This puts Irish MEPs in an ideal position to back this humane move," Mr Carmody said.

But the animal rights campaigner said he was concerned a new laboratory monkey supply facility in Spain would make monkeys available to more researchers. Mr Carmody said Europe uses around 7,500 macaques a year in experiments.

ARAN said the European Union was considering plans to overhaul animal experimentation rules under the EC Directive.

Jan Creamer, chief executive with Animal Defenders International, a partner in the campaign, said: "There is a genuine opportunity to end the suffering of primates in laboratories. The EU has recognised this and MEPs have before them the chance to take huge step forward.

"The similarities in behaviour, emotions, and intellectual performance between us and our fellow primates are striking. It is time for the European Union to take action to protect the primate nations."