DUP concerned over Keady attacks

The DUP has described the stoning of three Protestant houses in Keady, south Armagh, as a very worrying development

The DUP has described the stoning of three Protestant houses in Keady, south Armagh, as a very worrying development. Assembly member Mr Paul Berry said the living-room windows of the houses were broken in the attacks.

A 93-year-old woman lived in one of the houses while a 70-year-old man lived in another. He said he had met the RUC to discuss the attacks and they had promised to step up their presence in the area.

"This is anti-Protestant thuggery," he said. "It is an all too familiar case of militant Roman Catholics flexing their muscles in the only way they know how - intimidation and violence. Although it is only a minority of local people involved and many Roman Catholics are appalled by the attacks."

Elsewhere, the hall of a Catholic church in Coleraine, Co Derry, was destroyed in an arson attack. The blaze was discovered at St Mary's Church, Aghadowey, early yesterday. SDLP Assembly member Mr John Dallat said: "For these people to sneak around in the dead of night is a particularly disgusting form of terrorism. A very small Catholic community has been left without a social centre.


"The vast majority of local people are opposed to attacks like this. Community relations in the area are good and I would expect them to stay that way." The parish priest, Father Eugene Boland, said the attack was "a blow to the local community".

Meanwhile, a 34-year-old man is recovering after being shot in the leg in west Belfast. Four masked men burst into his house at Moyard Parade on Wednesday night and shot him. The Provisional IRA is believed to be responsible.