DUP urges screening of local groups

The DUP has called on the British government to investigate certain local residents' groups, which the party claims are being…

The DUP has called on the British government to investigate certain local residents' groups, which the party claims are being manipulated by republicans. Mr Ian Paisley jnr, of the DUP, told yesterday's Belfast Forum that community action groups aimed to promote an anti-unionist agenda and were effectively following a republican agenda. While he recognised there were genuine community organisations the brunt of his criticism fell on specific groups, which included the Lower Ormeau, Garvaghy Road, Bogside, Dunloy, Ballycastle and Bellaghy residents' groups.

He said they "have polluted the very name of resident association and are committed to a wholly destructive political and quasi-terrorist agenda".

The Women's Coalition defended the community groups and scoffed at the DUP motion, which they called "paranoid and destructive".