Early conclusion sought to Ryanair dispute inquiry

The team investigating the Ryanair dispute was anxious to have the matter dealt with by Easter, the Taoiseach said.

The team investigating the Ryanair dispute was anxious to have the matter dealt with by Easter, the Taoiseach said.

Mr John Bruton, the Fine Gael leader, asked if the Taoiseach considered whether there had been a breach of the back-to-work formula by virtue of a Ryanair decision on three baggage-handlers.

Mr Ahern said that when the agreement was finalised, the understanding was that any allegation of any breach would go back for full investigation to the inquiry team.

Mr Ruairi Quinn, the Labour Party leader, asked whether the Taoiseach had contacted the inquiry team since receipt of the letter.


The Taoiseach replied that he had not done so, but the Tanaiste had been speaking to them since them. He had forwarded the correspondence.

The Taoiseach said he had responded to the general president of SIPTU by conveying his view that any perceived breach of the terms for resumption of work, in which he was personally involved, was a matter for the inquiry team.

"I have received a communication from the chief executive of Ryanair reaffirming the company's commitment to co-operate with the inquiry team in discharging its brief, including any alleged breach of terms for a resumption of work."