East Timor votes for president

East Timorese streamed to the polls today to vote for a new president, hoping the election can help end deep divisions after …

East Timorese streamed to the polls today to vote for a new president, hoping the election can help end deep divisions after a year of instability in one of the world's youngest and poorest nations.

Over half a million voters are picking a new president in the election, which outgoing President Xanana Gusmao says is a chance to demonstrate his nation is not a failed state.

Supporters of rival candidates clashed during campaigning last week, injuring more than 30 people and prompting international troops to fire tear gas and warning shots.

"This election is important for the country's future. I hope the new president will lift us out of the crisis," said Rogerio dos Santos, a 30-year-old farmer, before casting his ballot at a polling station in an elementary school.


Turnout appeared to be high and although official results are not due until next week, an electoral commission spokesman said preliminary results could emerge on Tuesday.

Voting was due to end at 4 pm and polling stations were closed in Dili, but shortages of ballot papers were reported in some areas outside the capital.

Dili was calm today, although residents said that overnight two soldiers described as drunk fired shots while stopping traffic. No one was hurt in the incident, they said.

Campaigns have focused on how to reunite East Timorese, split by an east-west divide that erupted into bloodshed last May after the sacking of 600 mutinous troops from the western region.

Eight candidates are running, including Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta, a Nobel peace prize winner who spearheaded an overseas campaign for independence from Indonesia.

If no one wins more than half the vote, a run-off will be held, a scenario some analysts see as likely.

Mr Gusmao, an ally of Ramos-Horta, is not running for re-election but plans to seek the more hands-on post of prime minister in a separate parliamentary election later this year.