Economy should serve society - SF

The economy should serve society, not the reverse according to Sinn Féin's economic policy which was launched today.

The economy should serve society, not the reverse according to Sinn Féin's economic policy which was launched today.

The party's spokerperson on finance, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, said Sinn Féin would prioritise the provision of public services for all, on the basis of equality and outlined proposals for an economic environment that would enhance job creations and provide favourable conditions for business.

Mr Ó Caoláin said that the economic prosperity over the last decaded should have been used to build first-class services in health, housing and education and accused the Government of creating an economy ill-prepared for future economic trends.

"The Government's approach has meant that the basic needs of many citizens are not being met and their quality of life undermined. Young working families cannot afford a home; our roads are gridlocked and there is insufficient public transport; our hospitals are in chaos and our schools are overcrowded," he said.


The party's economic policy outlines five main priorities including providing a world class infrastructure and public services to enhance Irish competitiveness, while ensuring that workers' rights are fully protected.

Mr Ó Caoláin said there was an urgent need to diversify Ireland's competitive base to safeguard its economic health and said his party in government would do this by investing in infrastructure, entrepreneurship and innovation and by intervening to bring down business costs in key areas such as energy and insurance.