A celebration of Irish art

Dramatic paintings such as The Wounded Poacher by Cork-born Henry Jones Thaddeus, or The Aran Fisherman's Drowned Child by Frederic…

Dramatic paintings such as The Wounded Poacher by Cork-born Henry Jones Thaddeus, or The Aran Fisherman's Drowned Child by Frederic William Burton will be whetting the artistic appetites of students and teachers shortly.

Over 100 works of Irish art are reproduced in the book Discover Irish Art and a total of 5,000 copies along with a set of 12 slides will be delivered to every primary and post-primary school by the Department of Education and Science. Launched by Sile de Valera, Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, it is a weighty, beautifully-produced resource book compiled by Marie Bourke and Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch.