CAO update

May 1st is the last closing date for CAO applications. The fee is £36 for standard EU applicants

May 1st is the last closing date for CAO applications. The fee is £36 for standard EU applicants. Remember, you can't apply for any restricted application courses.

A number of new courses are on offer - these were approved after the CAO handbook went to print. If you have already applied to the CAO, you can use the change-of-mind facility to include these courses in your choice. Closing date for change-of-mind is July 1st.

Recent additions include a BA in computer science in UCD and three new degrees in DCU - sport science and health, science education and common-entry science. These are additional to the additions and deletions, listed below, which were notified to schools in December.

Cancelled: GA003 Staidear Gno; LM071 Biomedical engineering


Additions: CW048 Business studies; CW049 Computing (computer applications and commercial programming); CW093 Business studies; CW094 Computing (computer applications and commercial programming); CW095 Office information systems; CW096 Office information systems; CR053 Interior architectural technology; CR115 Software development with German; CK210 Government and public policy; CK304 Law and Irish; BN001 Electronics and computer engineering (Blanchardstown IT); BN002 Computing and information technology (Blanchardstown IT); BN003 Business studies (Blanchardstown IT); BN004 Business, information technology and languages (Blanchardstown IT); DN029 Law and French law; GA044 Gno agus cumarsaid; WD085 Manufacturing systems engineering; WD086 Electronic engineering